8. Dezember 2017. Den wohl größten lebendigen Adventskalender in Hessen gibt es in Seligenstadt. An Abend des 8. Dezember beteiligte sich der AK Willkommen vor der Hans-Memling-Schule in Seligenstadt an der Adventsaktion. Das Ziel: die Botschaft von Weltoffenheit und Toleranz auszusenden …
Is the right time
to reflect
where we stand
where we come from and go to
to take position.
is the right time
to find a place
where we are safe in unsafe times,
where we are brave in crestfallen times,
where we can hope in hopeless times,
where we calm down in restless times,
where we grow strong in helpless times,
where fear comes to nothing,
where we are not alone.
The light is shining.
You only need to find it.
Get on your way.
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